Monday 17 October 2016


Go to above link for assignment 2!

Monday 22 August 2016

Final Image + Rationale

My image is based on the Bermuda Triangle, explaining the mysterious disappearances as the result of a game of battleships played between gods.

The board is structured like the traditional battleships board, but with a triangle playing area. The design around the top board is based on an Ouija board, emphasizing the occult elements, and the whole box is made of wood to match. The figures at the bottom represent two corners of the Bermuda Triangle, Puerto Rico and Florida, through their appearance and flags. The lower board is sunken in, showing water and smoking ships to emphasize that this game is affecting the real world.

The two figures playing are deities of the ocean, made of water and dotted with fish. The figure behind the board is large and intimidating, with a sharp grin, claw-like nails, and hidden eyes to show untrustworthiness. I wanted to portray a sense of power and superiority and show that they have fun toying with people’s lives.

Overall, I wanted the mood to be playful, ominous, and mystic.

More progress + adjustments

I've finished up my illustration, keeping the critique in mind.

I then put the file into photoshop to tweak the colours and contrast.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Progress shots + FB critique

I put my latest progress on Facebook to get some feedback:
  • Just a suggestion, perhaps more tonal contrast in the background/ foreground? :D
  • i love their mouth so much???? the only thing i'd say is the close hand is kinda not obvious, maybe if it's a slightly different colour?
  • very cool!!! just feel like it needs a bit of shading just where her arm crosses her chest to create depth and perspective. Maybe a gradient so that her blue skin gets darker at the bottom... think about the shadow the box might cast on her skin and maybe the other hand being a slight different colour, and maybe another hand on the right so it doesn't read that she is playing battleships by herself.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Pose references

Some photos I took to decide on/reference for my final.

Opposing figure

Ouija Decoration


I also made a quick SketchUp model for the perspective on the board.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Cartoon precedent study

I looked into some examples of work that is high quality and well executed in a cartoon style.

Song of the Sea (2014):

An Irish film following a selkie and her return to the sea. The entire film is very artistic, with unique shots and a careful eye for detail.

Pixer concept art is also very inspiring! The films themselves are beautiful, but the concept art shows a level of detail that is often last in the move to animation. Once again, a good use of framing, tone, and colour.

Monday 15 August 2016

Battleships board designs

Since the battleships board is a focal point in the image, I want its design to add to the story/mood in some way.

Top: based on a Ouija board, to emphasize the supernatural elements.

Middle: A sea monster/nautical design, relating to treacherous oceans.

Bottom: An island image to reference Bermuda, the triangle's namesake.

For my final I decided to go with an alteration of the Ouija theme. It shares the same layout and figures, but the two women at the bottom represent Puerto Rico and Florida, two of the corners of the triangle. I thought this would be good to cement the location without solely relying on the triangle shape alone.